Sunday, March 3, 2013

Finding Time

   As you may know I am a homeschooling mother of 2 wild little boys. I also care for my mother full time who has recently had a change in diagnosis from Parkinson's to Progressive Supernuclear Palsy. The symptoms are very similar but the prognosis on the new disease is much worse. Most people only survive 7 years from the date of onset, and this began for us about 4 years ago.
   My day to day usually includes doctor's appointments, several hours of home school, diapers, baby whining and fighting a nap, taking mother back and forth to the restroom and to bed. I am the executive homemaker as well so I am the cook, laundry aide, nurse and official chauffeur. I am usually on my feet from 7 am til I crash at 10 pm.
   Our house commonly looks as if a hurricane has blown through. My boys are climbing on the furniture if you turn your head, the dogs are trying to stand up and get leftovers off the table, and there are always hand prints mixed with sticky from suckers on the sliding door. I have struggled in my own head about living in such chaos. I do not know how to corral it, how to keep it in pristine shape at all times.
   So instead I play with my boys, and enjoy this precious time I have with them and my mama. I know one day I will look back and these days will be a memory and I won't care if my floors were swept or not.
   Making time to do the basics like dishes and laundry along with some weekly chores will have to do for now. The extra time I have must be devoted to those that are most precious to me. We try to make time to read aloud each night, with little one snuggled in my lap and big boy at my side. We make cookies for no special occasion and use bubbles and splash when we take baths. Precious moments are slipping away, the dishes will still be there when I get to them.
    When everything is quiet at night I try to take advantage of it and spend time in God's word and talking to Him. I sleep peacefully knowing I am doing all I can do in His service and I am exactly where I am supposed to be.