Saturday, October 13, 2012

Joy in a clean plate

    For dinner tonight I made pork chop casserole. It's nothing fancy, nothing particularly healthy or expensive. I hand breaded my chops, and browned them before smothering them in a easy gravy mixture my mother taught me to make and popped it in the oven.
    While I waited on them to cook for the next forty five minutes I made some homemade biscuits, green beans and corn my daddy put up out of the garden and some homemade mashed taters (that boxed mess doesn't cut it around our house). I washed the dishes as I went, all the while carefully watching the clock, making sure everything would be ready within minutes of each other. As I was putting dinner plates down on the table I realized my youngest son was asleep in my husbands lap. When I finished getting the table ready I scooped up the baby and told my husband, "Go eat while it's hot, I've got this."
   So everyone but baby and I scurried off to the table to get their dinner while it was warm. I heard my oldest bless the food from the kitchen and it made my heart smile. "Maybe I am doing something right," I thought to myself. I rocked baby and hummed quietly to myself for a while. My husband came behind me and kissed me on the cheek. As he scooped the baby from my arms he said, "Dinner was great baby. It's always good, but tonight it was just better than good."
   As I walked into the kitchen to make myself a plate I noticed four plates that had been cleaned by four hungry bellies. By just taking the time to please my family I had received the greatest gift! A true, sincere compliment from my other half and joy in those clean plates! Nothing on earth could have made me more happy.


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